Local Swingers Search Turns Into A Really, Really Good Time
We met a local swingers couple the other day at a group sex party at our neighbors house. As we made introductions and made small talk while beginning the flirtation and interest process, the other couple finally asked if we would like to go back to their places which turned out to be a beautiful house in the hills far from anywhere.
As we walked up to the house, we realized this looked like more of a mansion a la Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise and Niclole Kidman starring. My wife and I looked at each other and were between us, secretly hoping this new, sex hot couple would be living in a very like home and partake in the same wild fantasies and fetishes we both love to delve our alter-egos into on occasion…a little BDSM was all good by us.
As we made our way inside, the door opened to reveal a breathtaking and stunning home—castle is more like it—decorated on the inside with flowing velvet drapes and candles lit everywhere. It seems our new friends liked the smaller envoi we did. We were about to find out just how much however…
As we were led to the living room, our sexy new friends offered us a cocktail which we surely needed for the wild night ahead to get the edge off.
As we were asked to sit, they came sides us inserting themselves between my wife and I and as she turned to kiss me, Kevin, the man to whom my wife would soon be feeling inside her, kissed her passionately on the lips just as Natasha’s lips came upon mine and her hand came down upon my new-throobig cock….god she was sexy…wearing a see-through gown that barely covered much of her 5’3″ frame, decked in high heels, and couldn’t;t be more than 107 lbs. wet…dripping wet the is. Ohhhh, the night was about to get exciting I thought to myself as I kissed her… I highly recommend the local swingers groups for enhancing your sex life.
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